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Ethan Klein returned in an indirect way in a way TikTok following a few days in the absence of. After posting the TikTok video that responded to TrishaPaytas's satirical collection of his Tourette's Syndrome, TikTok mysteriously deleted it. Hila Klein is Ethan's wife, and she has a huge web following because of the YouTube channel she runs. The humor of his videos is a perfect fit for TikTok, allowing him to gain a loyal following for responses videos. Duet videos allow him to comment and react to all kinds of media. It was only used by TikTok to advertise his YouTube channel and popular podcast. Ethan Klein returned to TikTok as a response to the post of Trisha to show off his duet. It has been a while between the time Trisha as well as Ethan Klein fought. Ethan Klein first attacked social media celebrities who employed excessive filters as well as editing on their profile pictures. Trisha was his example chose to use and was the subject of his snark. Trisha protested against this and decided to take to Twitter to make a statement against the man, claiming he was filthy and rude. In a number Tweets she even made reference to Ethan's wife Hila. Hila was the one who mentioned Ethan's wife several times in her blog posts.

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